Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blacet Research 2310 (Filthy Filtre) Frac Rack Synthesizer Module

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via this auction

See the seller's other items for more.

"The FF2310 is a 12dB/octave response voltage controlled filter. The design is based on the classic State Variable configuration that provides simultaneous low pass, band pass and high pass outputs. In addition, the Filthy Filtre has notch and all pass (phase shift) outputs. Voltage controlled Q is also provided with a special dual range feedback circuit that gives maximum total crunchy mind warping self oscillation. Beware your ear drums, amps and tweeters at high levels! An additional modulation, routable to either frequency or Q through a bipolar attenuator, is a handy feature.The mode or filter type is also voltage controllable, allowing switching or morphing between low pass, band pass, high pass and all pass filter types. Separate audio outs for most filter types are also found at the module bottom."

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