Thursday, February 12, 2009

Casio VZ-8M

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"CASIO VZ-8M was last & very strange synthesizer casio's made
it has lot of unique edit function that non of other synth have
sound is very clear digital sounds of it's own once if you tweak it up,it creates many strange & experimental digital synth sounds!

CASIO VZ-8M features;
A single voice is made with 8 oscillators
and these OSCs are freely patched like a modular synthesizer,
using Mix, Ring Modulation, Phase Distortion
8 waveforms are available for oscillators: sine, saw1~5, noise1~2.
Each OSC has its dedicated 8-step amp envelope.
Each voice has one pitch envelope. It works very fast and wide.
There's one LFO for vibrato and tremolo.
Up to 4 voices (32 oscillators) can be layered in the Operation Memory Mode.
There's no filter and effects.

this page contains some of unique sounds of CASIO VZ-8M"


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Encore UEG MOTM Format Module

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"MOTM format Encore Electronics Universal Event Generator. It can be used as a sequencer, a fancy LFO and a multi-stage envelope generator."

Casio SK-1

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"9.38 kHz sampling frequency
8 bit
1.4 seconds of sampling
holds one sample
32 mini keys
13 envelope shapes
11 drum patterns: disco, rock, pops, march, samba, bossa nova, rhumba, 4 beat, swing, slow rock, waltz
additive synth section.
5 PCM tones: piano, brass ensemble, trumpet, synth drums, human voice
3 synth tones: flute, pipe organ, jazz organ
Sequencer: 400 steps of polyphonic programming or 99 step chord sequence with and 198 steps each of two solo voices.
Loses all sequence and sample memory when turned off.

There are microphone and line inputs on the rear panel for sampling from electronic sources, as well as a microphone on the front panel. Once a sound is sampled, you can change its amplitude envelope (attack, decay, sustain, release) to one of 13 preset envelopes, as well as looping the sample. The sampler is voice- or sound-activated, so it won't try to sample until it hears an input on the mic or line input."


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