Saturday, April 24, 2010


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via this auction
"The Evolver features two analog and two digital oscillators utilizing the waves from the legendary Phophet V5.

Classic Curtis analog VCA's round out the analog section but what makes the Evolver different is the way in which analog and delay are integrated. The LFO's Step Sequencer and 3 separate delays can all be synced for massive rhythmic time based effects in stereo.

The synth also features dedicated on board effects, a 16x4 step Sequencer which really brings the Evolver to life with evolving 'pseudo polyphonic' sounds- you won't believe it's mono.

Full MIDI, a white noise generator,2 low pass filters,3 envelope generators,4 LFO's and analog VCA's are also features.

It also has 512 fully editable programs (4 banks of 128)"

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