Saturday, December 20, 2008

Access Virus A

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via this auction
Polyphony - 12 voices
Oscillators - 2 Osc per voice plus 1 Sub-Osc: Sine, tri, saw, variable width pulse, oscillator sync. 1 FM Mode: 64 digital FM spectral waveforms.
LFO - 2 per voice with tri, saw down, square, sample/hold, sample/glide and more
Filter - 2 independent resonant filters; lowpass, hipass, bandpass, band reject, parallel, split & 2 serial modes with up to 36dB/voice (6-poles), overdrive/saturation.
VCA - 2 ADSTR envelopes per voice
ModMatrix - 3 Sources, 6 Destinations
Effects - Up to 22 simultaneous effects: 4 Chorus effects, Global Reverb/Delay, Vocoder
Keyboard - None
Memory - 256 ROM patches, 256 RAM patches, 128 multi RAM patches
Control - MIDI (16 multitimbral parts)"

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