Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Technosaurus Microcon II

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via this auction
"The Microcon II is a modern-day little analog monophonic synthesizer module emulating the simple design and sound of classic Roland TB-303 and SH-101 synths. They are made by Technosaurus, a Swiss company best known for their high-end Selector modular synths. It is handmade using the same discrete circuits found in its bigger brothers.

The Stats:
Main Features:
VCO with square or sawtooth wave, LFO
with square or triangle wave, SUB-Oscillator,
AD or ADR-Envelope Generator with manual
trig button, 12 or 24 dB/Octave VCF with
Resonance, VCA with AD or GATE control,
adjustable GLIDE. CV/GATE inputs (Roland
12 V DC power required.
Dimensions: 20 x 10 x 5 cm (l x d x h)

New Features:
Filter CV and audio inputs. Internal sound
source can be switched off.

MIDI controlled parameters:
- Note number (C0....C7)
- Note ON / OFF, last priority
- MIDI channel selector (1...16)
- Accent ON / OFF depending on velocity
- Pitchbending via modulation wheel
- Filter cutoff frequency (internal VCF and external filter CV output)
- Glide ON / OFF
- All notes OFF when pressing more than 10 notes at the same time

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