Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Korg Poly Ensemble S Analogue Synthesizer

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via this auction - learn how to sell on eBay here.

"The Polyphonic Ensemble S was one of KORG's first polyphonic instruments. Like most polyphonic keyboards of the time, it has full polyphony across the entire 48-note keyboard. It featured four preset sounds with two variations each: String 1 & 2, Pipe Organ 1 & 2, Brass 1 & 2, and Chorus 1 & 2. A maximum of two preset sounds could be combined together, ie: Brass + Strings. The sounds are generated by three analog oscillators per note. The Polyphonic Ensemble S is a metal and wood construction built into a rugged flight case. It offered stereo output, a dedicated headphone output with volume, and an expression pedal input..."

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