Saturday, December 15, 2012


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Virtual synthesizer control panel layout - all controls assignable
Pitch bend, programmable mod wheel joystick
Portable - can be powered via batteries, USB or power supply
Program storage for 40 electronic templates factory preset for packages including Reason, Native Instruments
Controls Plug-Ins, Cubase, Logic, Sonar 2, Live 2 etc.
2 octave semi-weighted high quality aftertouch responsive Keyboard
Programmable X/Y touch pad surface
8-voice polyphonic KS sound source
200 memories programmed with awesome Novation presets
Superb liquid analog sound
Great arpeggiator
Zero latency headphone monitoring
44.1/48 kHz 24-bit simultaneous 2 channel Audio I/O

Dual low noise, high bandwidth audio pre-amps with phantom power & >70 dB headroom
Multi-FX processor per input with simultaneous Reverb/Chorus-Phaser/Delay/Compressor/Distortion and EQ
Integrated USB low-latency audio and MIDI"

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