Wednesday, June 13, 2012


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via this auction
"The Yamaha AN1x control synth introduces Yamaha's breakthrough analogue physical modeling synthesis engine, capable of producing 100% accurate simulations of classic analogue sounds. After years of research and development, analysing what made some of the great synths tick, Yamaha have finally produced the next major step forward since the advent of Yamaha's physical modeling series of keyboards introduced in 1994. The control matrix features 8 fully assignable rotary knobs which all send out standard midi controller information. The knobs can each have up to 8 different parameters assigned to them, and these can be easily selected using the colour templates along side each knob. The more common functions such as filter cutoff, resonance and ADSR are easily accessed, and placed in logical positions for fast 'tweaking' in a live situation. The ribbon controller on the AN1x, features not only the standard X-axis control but also Z-axis pressure response, again these can be assigned to any parameter you wish. Both the Pitch wheel and mod wheel can be re-assigned, and the keyboard also features a handy 'lip' on the far right hand side, which can be used for holding devices such as the SU10 pocket sampler. MIDI IN, OUT and THRU allow the AN1x to be used either as a live performance instrument or in a studio environment with ease.

• A bold metallic blue body, knobs in the style of a classic analogue synth, and a simple key layout. Easy voice editing.
• 10 note polyphonic operation, voice unison play, and assignable data entry knobs, with push parameter confirmation.
• 4-track 'FREE EG', user defined envelope generation system, with looping, allows the recording of up to 4 parameters at once into a template macro.
• User programmable arpeggiator with 16 step loop sequencer featuring 'swing' parameters, and up to 144 user patterns.
• Assignable ribbon controller, can be applied to elements such as filter cutoff and resonance.
• 2, 3 and 4 pole fully resonant filtering, with filter model based upon classic analogue synths.
• Programmable 3 way parallel 24 bit resolution multi effects processor, with multi EQ for each voice.
• Stunning user panel edit matrix for quick and easy editing. • Macintosh editing software available for deep parameter access."

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