Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Studio Electronics ATC-Xi

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via this auction
Noisebug (RSS)

"The redesigned ATC-X, smoothes the Trirangle wave of OSC 1 into a purely georgous Sine Wave. A front panel switchable amplifier: the ATC-X's Moog Source transistor array style, or the classic SE-1X fully discrete Minimoog style amplifier provides choice of color and clarity where you want––scratch that, need it most.

Same X Model strength patches and sound engine, "Quad Filter System" efficency versatility and warmth, discrete hardware analog distortion and crossmod, externally patchable ringmod circuits, programmable S.E.M. modes and triangle/square combi L.F.O., drive this massively monophonic Nova-flavored machine.

Black and cream minimalist visuals don't dissapoint either...

Voices: One.
Audio Outputs: One
External Inputs: Two: filter and ring mod.
Interface: 1 digital rotary encoder and 50 membrane switches.
Display: 3 digit green LED.
Memory: RAM: 512 patch locations in RAM.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Dimensions: 2 rack spaces, 10 inches deep.
Power: 90 - 250 volts AC auto switching.

Two voltage controlled discrete analog oscillators: OSC 1 waveforms: sine, sawtooth and variable width square; OSC 2 waveforms: triangle, sawtooth and variable width square; simultaneous waveforms output; syncing of Osc 2 to Osc 1; Oscillator 2 audio frequency modulation.

One voltage controlled discrete analog filter: 24db (classic Moog® style) in "Quad Filter System-Mini Mode" and four voltage controlled discrete analog filters in "Quad Filter System-4 Filters": classic Oberheim®, Moog®, Roland® 303, Arp® 2600 style; 12db filter modes: low pass, bandpass, high pass and band reject. Filters do not operate in series or parallel. (Unlike our legacy ATC-1, the filters are not plug-in cartridges, rather internaly mounted circuit boards.)

Standard ATC-X Moog® Source® transistor array style, or discrete SE-1X / MiniMoog® style; switchable via front panel. (Filters do not run in series or parrallel.)

Three multiple stage envelope generators: attack, decay, sustain and release with inverting and multiple triggering; assignable 3rd. Envelope 1 fixed to filter frequency. Envelope 2 fixed to amplifier level.

Two low frequency oscillators––waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth, square, noise, random; parameters: destination, depth, key trigger, phase, midi sync.

Cross Modulaton (also listed in VCOs):
Oscillator 2 audio frequency modulation. Destinations: Osc 1 frequency, filter frequency.

Ring Modulator:
Discrete analog external carrier input for external signal processing (bypasses Oscillator 2 function). Patchable via back panel connections.

Distoriton Circuit:
Discrete analog distortion (the heart of an MXR 90), programmable level controls per patch.

Additional Features:
White noise generator, external input processor, exponential glide––parameters: time, autoglide interval, destination.

Modulation Destinations:
LFOs 1 and 2 and envelope 3: VCO 1 and 2 frequency, pulse width and mix level, VCF frequency and resonance, noise level, Xmod mod amount, LFOs 1 and 2 rate and depth, VCA level.

MIDI Controllers:
Modwheel and pressure, all LFO 1, 2 and envelope 3 destinations including envelopes 1 and 3 amount, dynamics: envelopes 1, 2 and 3 amount; bender: pitch, filter frequency.

MIDI Specifications:
In and out, receives program change, bank select, glide on/off, glide time, volume, sysex, controllers: dynamics, modwheel, bender, pressure: each with one destination and amount. Fixed continuous controller assignments for all key functions."

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