Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Synthesizers.com modular

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
"Cabinet 1) QCP22 Vinyl-covered 22 space cabinet. Internal Power Components 1) QPS1 Power Supply 1) QDH20 DC Power Harness Modules 1) Q104 MIDI Interface 3) Q106 Oscillator 1) Q107 State Variable Filter 1) Q108 Amplifier 2) Q109 Envelope Generator 1) Q110 Noise Source 1) Q112 4-Channel Mixer 1) Q115 Reverb 1) Q116 Ring Modulator 1) Q117 Sample & Hold 1) Q124 Multiples 1) Q125 Signal Processor 1) Q137 Power Control/Interface"

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