Friday, December 10, 2010


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via this auction
"This 4-part multitimbral synth uses new Wave Acceleration Synthesis to deliver up to 32 voices of fat synth waves and waveforms. There's also a full complement of knobs and sliders-plus analog-style drums, DSP effects and a killer arpeggiator-giving musicians desktop access to a range of stunning synth sounds. The SH-32 has awesome, aggressive filters. It has many more variations of each classic wave than older SH synths. Every parameter is available on the front panel via knobs and sliders. There are no hidden menus, although the controls and information printed on the face of the SH-32 is a bit overwhelming, for the novice user or live performance. However, it does seem as logically laid out and organized as possible.

It can be hooked up to a MIDI keyboard, but also can be used as a standalone synthesizer with the multi use buttons. The built in Arpeggiator makes live performance even easier. It even has a chord memory feature making it great for techno and trance style arpeggiations."

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