Monday, October 11, 2010

Roland "The Synthesizer, 2nd Edition"

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via this auction
"4 volume vintage collection of instructional books from the Roland Corporation, 1986 (1979 copyright).

The 4 volumes are entitled...

1. "Practical Synthesis for Electronic Music, Volume One"

2. "Practical Synthesis for Electronic Music, Volume Two"

3. "A Foundation for Electronic Music"

4."Multi - Channel Recording for Electronic Music"

The are "old school" manuals, and reveal some "old school" techniques and applications of synthesis, and could be very useful to those who seek analog synth sounds from synths like the Roland SH-101 (or other analog synths), and vintage recording techniques. Some of the chapters are "Advanced Synthesis", "Accessories Used in Synthesis", "Strings Sounds", "Rhythm and Effects", "Tape Recorders" and "Basic Multi-Channel Recording Techniques" and more......."

1 comment:

24db said...

I've still got mine...more useful for 100 system though