Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Roland Promars MRS-2

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
"Rare, unique and programmable (Eight user patches). The Dual VCOs can be detuned up to 1.5 octaves +/-. The two detuning presets can be used to play duophonic parts. The LFO goes into very high frequencies creating weird ring-modulation, FM or bell-like sounds. There is also a sub-oscillator for each VCO and a control input which can be assigned to VCO/VCF/VCA (or all at the same time). Needless to say it has amazing filters (1 HPF and 1 LPF with dedicated envelope) which rival the Jupiter and SH series Rolands in fatness."

Sold For: GBP 650 via selectivepressure in the comments.

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