Monday, May 24, 2010

Roland JV-1080 with Extras

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
" * BONUS FREE #1: Resource CD ROM with 4,000 + Extra User sound patches to load into your JV-1080, this is in addition to the factory sounds, that's nearly 5,000 sounds! When fully upfitted with expansion cards, that would be over 6,900 sounds available at your fingertips!
* JV-1080 editing software for patch uploading, sound manipulation, saving your sounds to the JV-1080 or your PC, super easy to use. No longer are you limited to just the screen and buttons on the unit, use your PC! Compatible with PC 95/98/2000/NT/XP - Vista has not been tested but should work.
* MIDI sequencing software, manuals, JV docs & more.
* BONUS FREE #2: Includes the JV-1080 DVD VIdeo Tutorial
* BONUS FREE #3: Includes the Roland Expansion Demo CD - Over 1 hour of sample sounds and tracks demonstrating the expansion card series. "

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