Tuesday, May 25, 2010


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via this auction
"This is software version 1.04 dated around July 1994. This module has 12 individual outputs. The truth is, this is a monster module and is truly analog with analog parts and voltage control inside it. It was designed in partnership with Oberheim by Don Buchla, a fine man who clearly had a vision for serious synth architecture and this thing has many knobs and buttons on and looks the business.
There are, unusually 2 LFO’s as well as 2 VCO’s, the usual VCA and VCF. The VCF has extra shaping and control features on it and it is believed, though don’t hold us to this, but it is believed that there are two filters, an Oberheim filter and more interestingly a Moog filter as well. It also has a computer controlled digital display which supplies very useful information about patch data and various control settings including stereo pan positions. The module records data digitally so that it is stored digitally but don’t be under any illusions, this is still a real analog module which has the heart of its sound generation produced by voltage controlled parts which makes it a unique and interesting module.

With its beautiful cream front panel, it looks curiously retro and yet still quite modern in a funky kind of way.

Of course it has midi in, out and thru and can run off either 230v or 115v. The lead supplied is suitable for a 230v supply but this can easily be switched. One other point to note is the output phase of the synthesis is very interesting because it includes a kind of idiosyncratic graphic equaliser which has low band pass, mid band pass and high band pass control.

The serial number is MX001409."

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