"The CP-251 Control Processor can be used in connection with one or more Moogerfooger analog effects modules, the Minimoog Voyager, or other voltage-controlled gear. The CP-251 adds the same kind of power and versatility of the classic MOOG modular synthesizers.
There are two kinds of signals in a modular analog synthesizer: audio and control. As audio signals go through a system of synthesizer modules, they get shaped into the sounds that you hear. Control signals, on the other hand, correspond to the variations in the sound that are imparted by the synthesizer modules, like invisible hands that turn the knobs of the modules.
The CP-251 provides a dual waveform LFO, Noise Generator, Sample-and-Hold circuit, as well as two attenuators, a lag processor, a CV mixer and a 4-way mult. This gives you ways to modify, mix, and distribute control voltages to product the incredible variety of sounds and effects that analog synthesizers are famous for.
CP-251 Control Signal Functions
* FOUR INPUT MIXER - Enables you to combine control signals to create complex effects.
* LAG PROCESSOR - Reshapes control signals by slowing down abrupt changes, used to produce glides and swoops.
* LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR (LFO) - Makes periodic control signals over the range of one cycle every five seconds to 50 cycles per second. The LFO is itself voltage-controlled so you can vary its rate with an expression pedal or other control signal to create effects such as vibrato, warbles, and sirens.
* Two ATTENUATORS - To reduce the strength of control signals, enabling you to adjust the strength of an effect.
* FOUR-WAY MULTIPLE - Enables you to send one control signal to as many as three destinations.
* NOISE SOURCE - Provides pure noise for use as an audio or control signal.
* SAMPLE AND HOLD - Produces stepwise control signals by sampling the voltage of any signal at rate of the LFO to produce classic sample-and-hold effects. This circuit also has a second output which is a smoothed version of the stepwise output."
Sold For: US $330.00
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