Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Yamaha CS-15

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
"The CS-10 has an external input, 2 outputs, 2 individual oscillators 2 filters (low pass - band pass - high pass, wonderful for ext. signal processing. Filters do self-oscillate if one of the two outputs is routed back to the ext. in!), 2 envelopes (can control VCF & VCA + EG #1 can be triggered with ext. signal), two VCA's, LFO with sine - ramp down -sample & hold (controls the VCF's & VCA's), portamento, glide, pitch bend slider, external/white noise signal can be mixed in with osc 1 (roll down the osc to zero with noise on 10 and trigger the cs-15 from a pad with EG 1 on ext trigger -cool hihats!) and lots of other features - too many to list!"

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