Monday, January 19, 2009

DSI Evolver

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via this auction
"From the David Smith Instruments web site:
The original desktop Evolver is a compact monophonic synthesizer that packs an amazing amount of sonic power into a small package. It features two analog oscillators and two digital oscillators utilizing the waves from the legendary Prophet VS. Classic Curtis analog lowpass filters and real analog VCAs round out the analog section. But what really sets the Evolver apart from the rest of the pack is the way in which analog and digital are integrated. The LFOs, step sequencer, and three separate delays can all be synced for massive, rhythmic, time-based effects in stereo.

* Monstrous four oscillator voice architecture.
* True stereo signal path with separate Curtis analog low-pass filters in each channel.
* Dedicated onboard effects (feedback, delay, distortion, high-pass filter, etc.).
* 16 x 4 step sequencer really brings the Evolver to life with evolving “pseudo-polyphonic” sounds – you won’t believe it's mono!
* Stereo audio input for audio processing of external stereo or mono signals, enabling the synth to act as a unique stereo effects processor.
* Everything (sequencer, LFOs, and delay) syncs perfectly to MIDI.
* Easy-to-navigate matrix-style interface for quick editing and real-time control of 8 parameters simultaneously.
* Multiple Evolvers can be daisy-chained for more polyphony."

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