Thursday, December 11, 2008


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images at this auction
Box shot
* Two wavetable oscillators plus noise generator and ring modulator.
* Oscillator Sync and FM.
* 10-note polyphonic, 8-part multitimbral.
* 256 User Patches, 128 Multi setups.
* Arpeggiator forms part of patch meaning up to 8 simultaneous arpeggiators can run in multi mode.
* Arpeggiator and LFOs can sync to MIDI clock.
* Two filters with a total of 12 filter types.
* DSP effects -- the first three parts in a multi performance can use their full effects settings, the remainder are limited to chorus.
* External signal input to filters/effects.
* 65 wavetables plus 32 user wavetables.
* 44 knobs, 9 switches, 2 x 40 character display, shift key, alpha dial.
* All major parameters have a dedicated MIDI controller numbers.
* Knobs send MIDI controllers.
* Quite large (5 rack units).
* And it's orange!

Technical Data
Audio Outputs
Maximum level: +10dBm
Signal-to-noise ratio: 100dB
Frequency range: 5Hz…20kHz

Audio Inputs
Maximum level: 0dBm
Dynamic Range: 86dB
Frequency Range: 5Hz…20kHz

Power Supply
Nominal voltage: DC 12V
Maximum current consumption: 1A
Maximum power consumption: 12W

Dimensions and Weight
Width: 483mm
Height: 223mm (5HE)
Depth (w. control features): 102mm
Total weight: 4,5kg"

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