Saturday, December 27, 2008

Roland System-100 101

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via this auction
"The System 100 is a great and classic analog synth! It's a beautiful semi-modular monophonic synth consisting of 5 module components: the Synthesizer 101, Expander 102, Mixer 103, Sequencer 104, and Monitor Speakers 109. The Synthesizer 101 section is the heart of the system, from which you could add-on any of the other modules of your choice. Different combinations of these components can be used to create systems of varying potential.

The Synthesizer 101 section is a fully self-contained analog mono-synth. It features a 37-note keyboard (with no performance controls, velocity or aftertouch), and lots of sliders to tweak. Its design is similar to the SH-series analog synths. Controls for the VCO, LFO, VCF lowpass/highpass filters, VCA with ADSR, Noise, and Portamento/Glide effects are all within hands reach. There's also a handy A-440Hz tuning oscillator, like on the Minimoog.

Apparently the 100 has the same filter chip as a TB-303, but it certainly doesn't produce the same sound, the System 100 sounds better! Whatever configuration you find a System 100 in, they are all powerful, warm, and useable machines! "

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