Saturday, November 22, 2008

KORG Trident Mk II

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"It is unknown how many mk II's were made but this one appears to be #56 by its serial # 410056... 16 VCO's and eight VCF's and VCA's... The "Brass" section should have been called "Bass" because this is where you will find some powerful moog type bass sounds. It really sounds incredible for bass...and the envelope is NOT slow like the Polysix. Also can be monophonic/ single-triggered. Strings are very nice and are close to the Solina, but with overlapping envelopes for a more beautiful haunting sound and even has an equalizer, etc. Pair them up with the synth-strings and there you have a stereo Jupiter-8 like string sound! (using the individual outputs for stereo spread with your mixer, you know...) The flanger sounds awesome and is not only limited to flanging, but also phasing and more importantly, chorus for your "dual" squarewave/PWM synth sounds (and detune, like you would do on the Polysix) as square is not available from osc 2. Finally, the sound of the synthesizer is incredible and very warm and prophet-like, with these SSM 2044 filters. In my opinion, the best sounding filter second only to the SSM 2040 as found in the rev.2 prophet-5's."

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