Monday, October 13, 2008

Thomas Monticello 371 Organ MOOG SYNTHESIZER

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"Thomas Monticello 371 Organ.. With MOOG Preset SYNTHESIZER.. A Sound For Everyone.. Owners Manual.. And Bench....

Two 44 Note Keyboards.. Power And Color Glo Switches.. Organ Control Panel.. Lower Keyboard Control Panel.. Synthesizer Control Panel.. Upper Keyboard Control Panel.. Radial Arc Pedal Keyboard.. Expression Pedal.. LESLIE And Variable Controls.. Pedal Voices.. Tremulant.. Solo Voices.. Percussions.. Headphone Jack.. Pedal Keyboard.. Lots Of Music Books And Bench Included............................

Church Registrations With MOOG Synthesizer:
Full Organ: Clear, Tone Good Choral Accompaniment.. Baroque Ensemble With Reeds.. Brilliant Ensemble With Reeds.. Sforzando: Bold, Brilliant With Reeds And Strings..

Special Registrations Moog Synthesizer And Organ: Barrel Organ.. Concert Grand Played In Octaves.. Harp.. Hawaiian Guitar Chorus.. Highland Pipers Chorus.. Honky Tonk Piano.. Musette.. Marimba With Flute.. Novelty Reed With Organ.. Sitar.. Theater Organ Tibia Vox Chorus.. Vision Ensemble With Organ......................

Solo Moog Synthesizer Registrations: Smooth Trumpet.. Fat Trombone.. French Horn.. Tuba.. English Horn.. Bassoon.. Sub-Tone Clarinet.. Baritone Sax.. Alto Sax.. Violin.. Electric Bass Guitar.. Plucked Bass.. Flute.. Slide Flute.. Recorder.. Alley Cat.. Warbler.. Singing Voice.. Moon People.. Jaw Harp.. Happy Voice.. Tweedle.. Fire Siren.. Wart Hog......
PLUS: You Can CREATE Your Own Sounds.. Even The PHASER Sound From Star Trek................

Owners manual and music books included.. Even the Day Glo Self learning books..."

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