Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oakley Sound MIDI CV Converter

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"Oakleysound midiDAC MIDI to CV converter module suitable for use in any Oakleysound or MOTM modular system. It can also be used for driving any 1V/ octave synthesizer with CV and gate inputs.

Features of the module are as follows (to largely quote the original Oakleysound website info):

Output options:

Gate: +5V or +15V gate.

Pitch CV: 128 steps of 12 bit accurate pitch voltage conforming to 1V/octave (trimmable). Pitch bend is added to this signal and can be trimmed to give the maximum bend interval. It can be trimmed to zero if required.

Pitch Bend: This signal is available individually. It is bipolar; so with no bend, the output CV is zero.

Velocity: 0 to 10V proportional to midi note on velocity.

Aftertouch: 0 to 10V proportional to midi channel aftertouch.

Legato: This signal goes to +5V when two notes are played at the same time. This can allow slides to be switched in at will; TB303 style.

Modulation wheel: 0 to 10V proportional to mod wheel position.

CC: Continuous controlled number 100.

Other Features:

It has three PCB mounted pots to facilitate TUNE, BEND DEPTH and SLIDE RATE.

The midiDAC includes a TB303 style slide circuit. This can be turned on and off manually, or by playing two notes at once. The pitch will glide up or down to the most recently pressed note. A pot controls the speed of the slide.

There is a note stack within the firmware to allow the midiDAC to remember notes pressed. Thus if two or more notes are pressed at the same time, the oldest notes will be remembered so that if the more recent notes are removed the pitch will return to the still pressed older notes.

New note retriggering can be switched in or out to suit your playing style. Note retriggering will allow you to play super fast keyboard runs. Each new note pressed will retrigger the synthesiser's envelopes irrespective of how many others are still held down.

MIDI channel is selected in traditional binary fashion using a 4-way DIP switch located on the PCB.

Power Requirements:

The module requires a split supply of +/-15V, as provided by Oakley, MOTM and many other makes of modular system.

The PCB has been expertly stuffed with high quality components and then carefully cleaned of solder flux. The components include 1% resistors (with 0.1% where necessary), and turned-pin sockets for each of the fourteen ICs. The panel has been fitted with eight Switchcraft quarter-inch jack sockets for PITCH, VELOCITY, BEND, MODULATION, AFTERTOUCH, CC, GATE, and LEGATO connections. Two high quality threaded DIN sockets have been utilised for MIDI IN & THRU. Blue and white LEDs, complete with fresnel lenses, give a visual indication of gate and legato status, respectively.

The 2U wide front panel has been precision machined by Schaeffer of Berlin, and is intricate in its design with full legending and knob divisions from 0 - 10. It has been designed in this way to accurately match MOTM panels, and fits well into an MOTM modular, the panel itself being black and an equivalent 3mm thick.

3 black knobs with spun aluminium inserts are fitted, as per those used on all Oakleysound modules, and very similar to those utilised on MOTM modules. The protective films are still in place on the inserts. The module has never been mounted in any system, but contains the 4 appropriate mounting holes in order to do so.

Further information can be found at"

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