Friday, September 19, 2008

Roland SH-101

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via this auction
"This is a 1980's Roland SH-101 Synthesizer. This is a small 32 key Monophonic analog synthesizer with 4 mixable oscillators (pulse/PWM, saw, noise, sub-oscillator), -18 dB/octave resonant LPF, multi-wave LFO, fast ADSR envelope, arpeggiator and step sequencer. This amazing analog synth is in Excellent condition. The input for the power supply does not function properly; you have to hold the connection in place in order for this keyboard to stay on. It appears that something is loose causing this. Also it causes a high pitch constant sound through the output. Power supply, manual, hand grip, and shoulder strap are not included. A shoulder strap can be connected to it, and a small handgrip can be plugged into the side which contains a pitch bend wheel. When slung over the shoulder it doubles as a "keytar"! tc"

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