Sunday, September 21, 2008

PAiA Modular Synthesizer

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images via this auction
"intage Paia Modular Synthesizer. Suitcase wings with 13 Modules. All Modules are 2700 series except the wing power modules, which are 4700 series.All modules work well, except the VCO in the lower left of the left wing. I can get it to make sound, but can't control the pitch via keyboard. Here's the rundown :
1 suitcase enclosure
4 VCOs
1 Control Oscillator
1 Invertor Buffer
1 Band Pass Filter
1 Low Pass Filter
1 Power Supply
2 Wing Power Supplies
1 Oddball Custom Multiple/ Controller, I was told it was built to be used with a specific keyboard, but I have no Idea."

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