Monday, September 29, 2008


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via this auction
"Electronic Dream Plant
the WASP (1978), the GNAT synthesizer with funny black-yellow design from the UK. a lot of digital cicuitry for that time (again) by chris huggett, who also did the OSCar..

there are even MIDI kits for it, but this machine is EXPENSIVE today..

the filter is a 12dB/oct. made of digital inverters "working as OP amps" that are the cause for its very special sound. as said 12dB/oct
multimode filters and an LFO (here it is a "modulation OSC") , the filter is one of the first ones that are made of digital parts.. sounds very special , btw.. clones are being made by doepfer (A124) and others for modular systems..

GNAT is a smaller version of the WASP, it is only one OSCed and a real minimal synth.. rare."

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