Thursday, June 12, 2008

Roland Promars Compuphonic

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"MRS-2 Promars Compuphonic. These were made between '79 and '82. this synth is super versatile and capable of all kinds of fat bass and lead sounds, as well as infinite possibilities for far out sounds and filter effects. There's 2 de-tuneable vco's, plus a sub oscillator that can be switched on or used by itself. The LFO has the hugest frequency range i've ever heard, going from practically stationary slow to 80hz, which allows for creating AM and FM synth tones. LFO settings are sine wave, square wave, and ramp up or ramp down, and the LFO can be applied to the VCO and VCF, as well as to the VCA (or all three simultaneously) for endless possibilities. All of this can be controlled using the bend lever as well (see pics). A big selling point at the time of its debut, this synth can store up to 8 user sounds, thanks to an internal microprocessor and self charging battery. So you can tweak and perfect your sounds at home and punch in your presets on stage. There are also some humorous factory presets, including sax, tuba, funky clav and "voice", which is actually pretty cool. This unit has been owned by me since 1999 and never taken out of a home studio environment. The ground prong is missing from the power cord, but that's a simple fix (I've never had a noise problem). These are very rare and generally not mentioned often in analog synth circles, but I think they have far flexibility than the sh series synths, and even the smaller Moogs and yamahas of the day. Plus, it says 'compuphonic' on it in cool computer font..."

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