Friday, May 16, 2008

Yamaha CS15

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images via this auction
"Yamaha CS-15 analog synthesizer. It is basically two CS-5's combined and is the next model down from the flagship CS-30 of the Yamaha "black" CS series monosynths. It is a vastly superior machine to the smaller CS-5 and CS-10 models more commonly found on Ebay.It features two VCO's with Tri/Saw/Pw waveforms and pulse width modulation. The synth is effectively two signal paths with two Multimode Filters (switchable between highpass,lowpass and bandpass), two VCA's, two mixers and two envelope generators. The filters can be modulated by the Lfo or one of the two Envelopes (with both positive and negative voltage). Also, external audio can be routed to filter 1. The two VCA's can be can be routed to either Envelope 1 or 2 and modulated by the Lfo. The envelopes are standard ADSR affairs but have a switch which multiplies each stage x5, this allows for very long releases and very slow attacks. Envelope 1 can also be triggered by an external audio signal. The Lfo has 3 waveforms Sine/saw/sample&hold. The Lfo's speed also goes up to 100hz which can give some very cool gritty ring mod type sounds. Other nice features are portamento, a brilliance control and glide control for each VCO. The synth also has CV inputs so can be hoooked up to a midi to cv converter. This machine is excellent for bass and strange sound effects."

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