Saturday, May 10, 2008

Schippmann Ebbe Und Flut Filter

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via this auction
"Do you wondering about what 'ebbe und flut' is? 'ebbe und flut' is a no compromise and absolutely high end sound design machine for musicians, live performer and producers and for all people, who love high sophisticated analogue gear.

The philosophy is to apply high quality electronic components combined with new technologies on a field, where it is normally unusual, providing a new experience of sound and so defining a new analogue standard.

The concept is an integrated modular system, working either as a stand alone unit or as a well integrating part of a modular system.

The core are two very versatile sounding 4-pole multimode VCF's (Voltage Controlled Filters) with 12 different characteristics, completed by a very effective compressor and distortion module, all surrounded by a lot of very reliable super fast/super slow modulators.

The fantastic and enormous powerful sound of 'ebbe und flut' is unique in the world, for sure! 'ebbe und flut' is really alive and it is breathing in a magic manner resulting in an extraordinary spatial, clear and ubiquitous sound, which let you indeed forget, that it is in fact only a filter you hear!

WHY ANALOGUE? Everybody who ever compares analogue and digital soundprocessing knows that there exists an audible difference, which would be always described in the same way: warm, present, directly, living,... It's really difficult to determine and allocate the technical responsibilities. I think, the most important reasons are the rigid mathematical structures of digital signalprocessing tools. The acoustical result is always predetermined, so there is no space for natural and living artefacts.

Analogue technique works completely different. Here we let compute the nature and the physics. A lot of electronic components build a very complexe structure, doing its job by natural laws. It is the same like a string of a guitar, it is another physical level - one is mechanical the other is electric- but it is always the natures computing. So, I am amazed about the extremely high sensitivity of the human capability to hear and feel these very weak natural artefacts. In analogue instruments the nature is talking to us, the better the more freedom you can provide for the electronics."

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