Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Access Virus

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

images via this auction

Update via vasculator in the comments: "4 osc? this description is incorrect. the virus A has 2 osc + 1 sub osc." Take the specs below with a grain of salt. Access no longer has them either: link.

"# 32 knobs //62 LEDs //Wooden side panels //External power supply //Dimensions: 470 x //5 //75 mm
# 24 Voices/ 16 way multi mode
# 1024 programs [256 User / 768 ROM / 128 Multi]
# 4 oscillators per voice. 3 main plus one sub [when all oscillators are in use, polyphony may decrease, but not by more than 6 voices.]
# Sawtooth, variable pulse, sine, triangle + 62 additional spectral waves
# FM [Frequency modulation] for the Oscillators with external Input signals
# 2 fully independent filters each user selectable as lowpass, highpass, bandpass or bandreject
# 4 filter routings in serial/parallel configurations
# up to 6 poles [36 dB] per voice
# 3 LFOs [68 LFO shapes]
# Envelope operating mode and LFO- tempo-sync to midi clock
# 2 ADSTR envelopes [T=Time]
# 82 simultaneous DSP effects like:
# Reverb [w. pre-delay sync to MIDI-clock]
# Retro Phaser [6-stage stereo phaser with 24 filter-poles
# Multiple independent distortion/saturation/Lo-fi FX per voice, including multiple distortion/shaper characteristics and variable gain.
# Chorus/Flanger with rate sync to midi tempo
# Simple or "Groove" Delay [preset polyrhythmic patterns]
# 32-band advanced vocoder
# Ring Modulator
# Analog Boost for true vintage tonal characteristics
# Complex modulation matrix with 3 source & 6 destination slots
# Complete parameter control via MIDI with "Adaptive Control Smoothing" for ultra soft parameter changes and no zipper noise
# Full 24-bit processing; 24 bit D/A, 18 bit A/D
# 6 individual high quality outputs
# 2 audio inputs to process your signals through synth filters, envelopes, FX, vocoder, FM, ring modulator, and more
# Flexible "auxiliary" model of internal audio routing for processing/reprocessing internal/external signals through the synth engine and and effects of other voices
# True Surround sound capabilities
# Free SoundDiver Virus editor/librarian for Windows and MacOS
# Easy operating system updates via MIDI"

1 comment:

vasculator said...

4 osc? this description is incorrect. the virus A has 2 osc + 1 sub osc.