Sunday, March 09, 2008

Roland Juno-60

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"The Juno-60 synthesizer is a six-voice polyphonic synthesizer. The single digitally-controlled oscillator (or DCO for short) gave the Juno-60 a high degree of stability in maintaining tune; most analogue voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) of the time would tend to drift in pitch and require re-tuning of the oscillator. The DCO provides sawtooth and square/pulse waveforms as a sound source, in addition to white noise and a square-wave suboscillator pitched one octave beneath the key played. Both of these additional sources can be mixed in with dedicated sliders. The filters and envelope on the Juno-60 rely on control voltages sent by depressing the keys on the keyboard and were thus analog. The Juno-60 features a rather distinctive-sounding 24 dB/octave lowpass filter with resonance. Unlike some synthesizer lowpass filters of the day, the Juno-60's is capable of self-resonance and thus could be used to some degree as a tone generator in and of itself. The filter section also features controls for envelope amount and polarity, LFO modulation, and keyboard tracking. In addition, a three-position non-resonant highpass filter is provided to thin out lower frequencies. The signal is then sent through a voltage-controlled amplifier (or VCA) and a simple four-stage ADSR filter envelope. The Juno-60 provides limited options for modulating the audio signal. A single triangle-wave variable-rate LFO is provided as a modulation source; this can be mixed into the DCO to create vibrato or into the lowpass filter to generate a tremolo effect. The LFO can either be triggered manually by the left hand using a large button above the pitch bend lever or set to engage automatically whenever a key was pressed. [edit] Other features The Juno-60, like the other Juno synthesizers, carries an on-board stereo chorus effect which, while noticeably noisy, adds a rather distinctive character to the sound of the instrument. In addition, the Juno-60 features an on-board up/down/up-down arpeggiator capable of spanning three octaves. The arpeggio speed can be controlled by either using a slider or an external trigger source. The Juno-60 also contains 56 memory slots to retain and instantly recall patch settings. Interestingly, the Juno-60's memory can be dumped to (or loaded from) a magnetic cassette tape simply by plugging a tape recorder into the appropriate jack in the instrument's rear. Patch information is being transmitted as an audio signal similar in quality to that produced by a computer modem."

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