Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Roland GR-100

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
* Complex Hex-Fuzz Circuit
* Addition Sustain Overdrive (mode 3)
* 6 Individual -12 dB Low-Pass Voltage Controlled Filters, One Per String
* Frequency Peak and Sensitivity Controls for VCFs
* Built-in footswitch controls the VCF mode (on, bypass, or inverted)
* Low Frequency Oscillator, for Vibrato Effects
* Lush Analog Chorus Mode
* Stereo Ouput
* Pedal control input for the VCF
* The GR-100 can output either the guitar, the synth, or a mix of the two
* Synchronized, flashing LED status indicators
* All-Analog Construction"

more info here

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