Friday, March 14, 2008

MFB Filter Box

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via this auction

" Two analogue 24 dB lowpass filters (transistor ladder design as per Moog)
* Stereo in and output
* Step sequencer with 8 cutoffknobs
* Attack, decay and contour knobs
* Glide, space and resonance knobs
* Midi sync

"A lot of MFB-Synth II and MFB-SynLite II user like the audio input, to work with drumloops, audiotracks, instruments and other synthesizer with REAL ANALOGUE FILTER. Now you can make it in STEREO. Inside the MFB-FilterBox are two well-known 24dB lowpass filter. Of course you can use the MFB-FilterBox manually with the CUTOFF, RESONANCE, cCONTOUR etc., but the FilterBox are able to do something more. First you have a 8 step sequencer, which modulate the the cutoff frequence. The sequencer can synchronise with MIDI clock too. You can use the GLIDE knob, the ATTACK and DECAY for change the envelope. With the THESHOLD knob, you can determine, how much the input signal controlled the cutoff frequence. With the SPACE knob, you can change the cutoff frequence between the left and the right channel."

The filter's are the same design as the MFB Synth 2 filters. The MFB Synth 2 is essentially a MINIMOOG clone. So what you have in this little box are 2 very Moog sounding filters with a great little sequencer.
The filter's are self resonate and together with the sequencer it's possible to get sinusoidal tones and melodies."

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