Sunday, February 03, 2008

Alesis Andromeda A6

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images via this auction

"True analog signal path with digital control! The A6 Andromeda Analog Waveform synth is no digital emulation of an analog synthesizer. The A6 is the real analog deal, boasting more knobs than a tuna's got scales, and beefier than the world's champion sumo wrestler! Features include 16-voice, 16-channel multitimbral with full MIDI control. You get 2 oscillators per voice, with 5 waveforms available, suboscillators, hard and soft sync. 72 knobs (72!), 144 buttons (144!), ribbon control with multiple assignable functions give you incredible control and performance power. The A6 is capable of some absolutely stunning sounds, from some of the sweetest and most soulful lines and leads you've ever heard, to some serious analog freakness. Discover why many consider the Andromeda A6 the world's most powerful polyphonic analog synth!"

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