Monday, December 17, 2007

Vermona DRM1 MKII

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

images via this auction
"The DRM1 MKII is an eight-channel, completely analog drum synthesizer. It gives you total control over every parameter through its 72 (!) controls.

There are eight channels, each featuring specific parameters for generating a certain kind of drum and/or percussive sound. They are divided into:
three DRUM channels
one MULTI channel
one SNARE channel
two HI HAT / CYMBAL channels
one CLAP channel
In addition to the main stereo output, every channel is also equipped with an individual output/insert jack, which allows you to insert external effects such as the VERMONA DAF-1 filter or PH-16 phaser.

The DRM1 MKII can be triggered via MIDI - MIDI channel and note number can be freely assigned."

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