Sunday, October 07, 2007

KORG X-911 Guitar Synth

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PAiA 9700

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"The PAiA 9700 Series takes a decidedly high level, systems approach to Synthesizer Module design. Rather than individual elements such as a single VCO, VCA or Envelope Generator, each PAiA module combines multiple elements and a powerful patch-over hardwired normaling scheme behind a single compact panel. Common synth voices can be realized with few patch cords but elements can also be accessed individually for maximum versatility in creating complex, unique timbres. A lot of synth power gets packed into a small space at a low cost. Even a "small" system of only four modules, such as the P9700S, provides the sound generating power of as many as 15 conventional modules, including:

2 VCOs
2 VCFs
2 VCAs
1 Balanced Modulator
1 Noise source
2 AR Envelope Generators
1 ADSR Envelope Generator
MIDI to CV Converter
Glide Processor
CV Scale/Offset Processor
Power Supply

All modules are scaled for 1Volt/octave Control Voltages with standard 100k ohm input impedance. Nominal signal level is approximately +10dB. Modules are designed for ±18V. unregulated bipolar power but ±15V. regulated supplies can also be used."

Korg R3

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