Voices: one.
Audio outputs: one main output.
Memory: 396 patches in ROM; 396 user locations in RAM.
Interface: 1 rotary encoder, 24 knobs, 21 illuminated switches.
Display: 20 x 4 back lit liquid crystal.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Dimensions: 3 rack spaces, 8 inches deep.
Power: 90 - 250 volts AC auto switching.
Three voltage controlled discrete analog oscillators
Waveforms: triangle, sawtooth and variable width square. All waveforms output simultaneously. Syncing of Osc 2&3 to Osc 1.
Two voltage controlled discrete analog filters
24db (classic Moog), 12db (classic Oberheim). 12db filter incorporates low pass and band pass modes.
Three low frequency oscillators
Waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth, square, noise, random. One destination and amount for each LFO with key trigger, phase, and midi sync.
Four multiple stage envelope generators
Attack, decay, sustain and release with inverting and multiple triggering. Envelope 1 fixed to filter frequency. Envelope 2 fixed to amplifier level. Envelope 3&4 are assignable.
Additional Features
Noise generator. Glide and auto glide, linear or exponential. Ring modulation.
Modulation Destinations
LFOs 1,2&3: VCOs 1,2&3 frequency, VCOs 1,2&3 mix level, VCOs 1,2&3 pulse width, ring mod mix level, noise mix level, VCF resonance and frequency, and volume. Envelopes 3&4: VCOs 1,2&3 frequency, VCOs 1,2&3 mix level, VCOs 1,2&3 pulse width ring mod mix level, noise mix level, LFO 1, 2&3 rate and depth, and VCF resonance.
MIDI Controllers
Dynamics, modwheel, pressure, and breath control: destinations and amounts include all LFO and envelope 3 destinations. Bender: pitch and filter frequency. Fixed continuous controller
assignments for all key front panel controls. Additionally receives: program change, bank select, glide on/off, glide time, and volume.
MIDI Specifications
In Out and Thru.
Here's a review by Sound on Sound mag: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/1994_articles/jan94/se1.html"