Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oberheim Perf/X

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

Two shots via two auctions. Auction 1. Auction 2.
"The Systemizer is designed to build master/slave relationships between your keyboard and other MIDI gear. The Systemizer turns your current midi instrument to achieve master controller functions. Features include 31 patches - each of which can memorize: 3 zones + special, split point & type (fixed or floating), zone type (layer, velocity switch, controller switch, position cross-fade, velocity cross-fade, aftertouch cross-fade, and controller cross-fade), assign types (unison, mono, normal rob off / on), group types (rotate, rotate and reassign, alternate, alternate & reassign), midi input, velocity & pressure sensitivity, velocity invert, local hold, split release, midi output channels & patch change numbers, and more. For example you can have a 4-way layer, or split your keyboard into 2 or 3 zones, each zone controls a different slave instrument Combined with a footswitch you can interactively set and reset your zones and maps on the fly among the 31 patch setups.

The Navigator is especially useful for MIDI drum setups where you want to reassign the MIDI notes for different drums but not have to reprogram the underlying MIDI sequence. with MIDI in control changes to the Navigator you can even remap on the fly which is way cool"

via brian comnes who also has a DMC MX-8 MIDI patch bay up at this auction.