Thursday, August 09, 2007

Waldorf Microwave

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"The Microwave is the direct successor to the PPG Wave 2.3 - one of the most recognizable sounds of 80's synth pop.

The PPG Wave was the first digital wavetable synthesizer with analog filters, heralding a revolution in both sound and concept. The Wave's most interesting feature was its ability to sweep through 64 waveforms in what PPG called a wavetable. Almost 2000 waveforms were available within the Wave's 32 internal wavetables. The result of this wavetable technology is that the PPG instrument has a much broader palette and more animated sound than typical analog synthesizers of the early 80's, which tended to have only a few static waveforms such as sawtooth, pulse, or triangle. The PPG sound was very unique and identifiable.

The Waldorf MicroWave is an update to the PPG which remains "backword compatible" via loading the original PPG waveforms to the wavetables. (These and much more are available via Waldorf's website.)"

Novation Supernova

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